Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Collection 1 (It Started with a Photo)


Standing on this hill with you here, the skies breaks out and illuminates the stars in view. In clear view it rains over a town with dissapearing clouds. Stars shot around, planets are born and comets collide. Upon all this i feel like ants watching humans live from my ground hole. Someday I'll be 1 of those stars and reach your side or just live out my life as evidence that an ant made a difference. This hill overlooking at this one place carried a gentle perfume from her bag filled with pictures. On this hill i am smilingwith whom ive seen,talked, shared time, but never knew of her name nor who she was. But i couldnt careless, if she in the place at which i stand this all occurred this world would be ignored from all my senses and utterly cease to exist. From random kisses at the mall, reading manga in a bookstore,fighting an empire and risk my life wedding her to becoming banished, waking up in the sunset of a different country and taking pictures,and talking and walking in monochrome colors shes dyed in grey and overcome with emotion. The world she creates is more than awesomenacious yet fits every my personality 100%. I want to live there.

The Round Riddle Consipracy

Choked from a dream as I slept, arising to a body with a fading pulse and distorted posture. Im lead into the streets leaving my body here. The animals and insects are planning a revolution on the humans who destroyed their homes and hunt down their families then claim them as endangered species. The secret of winds and clouds in the sky are known,and see a person blowing on the earth thats placed on a stick. The animals call him DaiKaze-sama and his constant blowing of his breath stirs the dust on the ground to clouds like a fan sends dust to flight. Staring into this puddle, eyes are staring back and pull me in. The deeper im pulled i am more afraid and finding that the scrolls left behind by dinosaurs that were killed, and erased because the era of Mother Earth wished for their death. Atlantis was once their city and drowned because mother earth found it more beautiful than nature. Out of jealousy moved the ground and seduced UmiKami with a love affair to erase Atlantis from the face of earth. Soon waves crushed them and rain flooded creating the cemetery humans call transatlanticism. Among all this mayhem i find it peaceful with a silent crisp and the souls of slaughtered animals finally find rest in death and return to the dust-made clouds, i see a man holding this planet up upon his back. I saw his wasted effort for the earth is always floating around,yet understood. Someone was made the scapegoat for all the evil committed in this globe. My words to throw the giant ball to pluto were ignored as he continued his duty. Im revived to my body and awaken not remembering back as the hands upon my neck left my bedside. I learned the truth of this world and all was forgotten as the sun shines through my window.

The Girl(s)

I never knew you, i wished,situations of when i could but never did. Both of you beautiful and bodies suit my personal type. Im very perverted at times and i dont mind. Even if we never speak just meeting your eyes is enough, your exact name, race, age, style,and many others i would have liked to know. It may never happen to occur, but still im happy i encountered you. So many unsaid things i guess they were just trying to understand a weird black guy,who doesnt look like anyone else or fits into any exact slot. At this moment my heart hurts its all stupid to think of but its fun. I tried atleast to get your attention. Did i do a good job,was my hair not right? I do strange stuff sometimes so i can understand if it was. As the semester ended i felt as if the tallest one was trying to get close to me or around me. Waiting for you to pass by or see you outside of class was nice. I kinda became your secret admirer for many reasons. The last time i remember she saw me singing in japanese of course not out loud but lipsinging. I think she knows of my ability to be fluent. Maybe its her that i see now in the cafeteria. Or someone else. Her presence feels familiar and i still wish to see you again. Maybe something will occurr and we will talk and exchange names and info. Your beauty really is breathtaking. I hope i surely do, i surely do.I wonder if your single or not, what kind of boyfriend would or do you like. So many words want to come from my lips to your ears and hear your voice. But i guess today i'll look over at your table and slowly wonder who you are and remember these many thoughts. Even if we dont talk or anything else i meet your eyes and for that moment its enough, and after that i want more of you.