Friday, June 29, 2012

Blue signs and Benches

Perhaps now is not the time
to adore your fashion sense.
It's time to catch a bus.
When my own feet can't get
me to the destination.
There maybe a song,
interpersonal conversation,
or moral to be learned.
Especially around the benches
were people gather and silently
wait there might be a person
with whom I can talk to.
Opening conversation for
a one minute at a time.
I'll nonchalantly listen to your
conversation or interject politely
when I see fit.
A person might ask me a question in
which I will answer honestly,
yet I'll ask myself did I appear warm,
welcoming to you?
What stood out to you about me to approach me?
Talking to you I feel I've crossed a border.
Anyway I'll be watching time move around me
and fate operating on an untouchable plane.
Yes! A chance to go farther than these
wooden legs can offer.
However you'll be jaded if you believe
it'll be here on its printed time,
but hope nonetheless that it'll arrive.

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