Monday, January 7, 2013

Don’t wait up for me!

I was washing dishes last night when I had a great idea. I was

listening to "Farewell Blues" when I got the idea for a story. This is what I thought of:

I would want be in an old white and black movie. A silent film. It

would be on the streets of a fast paced city. I'm a lowly beer

smuggling mobster yelling at my girl. We are fussing as we walk down the street when this mysterious car pulls up. It's like a Chevrolet standard driven by a fly guy pulls over to the side of the road. He gestures my girl to get in. She hesitates at first, but walks over towards the car. When I grab her arm she already had one leg inside his car. I told her to stop.

"What hell is this broad thinking?! You don't just jump in someone's car? Who da fuck is this chump? C'mon we got things to do!"

Stubbornly she stood defiant to move. Somehow we became a street attraction as people start looking at us. I'm getting annoyed,

embarrassed, and angry. Suddenly, she gets fed up and slaps me clean across my jaw. For a second we stood shocked and I lost my grip of her arm. Her frail eyes staring into mine, as if she wanted to reach out and rub my swollen cheek. But she stood there taken aback by it all. During this the fly guy stretches across the car seats towards her and yanks her in the car by the arm. Once she's in the car he pulls the door shut and speeds away. It'll happen so fast. Annoyed at her betrayal, I'll light a cigarette and walk away as people whisper in circles. Floating on a plank through a sea of staring eyes.

"Why are my fingers trembling? I feel dandy, yeah I do!"

It doesn't stop. I saw a couple cheeky kids were horseplaying on the corner. I flung my cigarette butt at them and kept at a straight face. My vision was getting blurry. I slow down and walk into an alley. Found a dumpster and pitifully kicked it.

"What am I doing here? What happened to my firm composure? I feel like shit!!"

I vigorously kicked the dumpster. The impact left a great pain in my foot as I limped to an adjacent wall. I flop myself down and pulled my knees to my face. I felt my face wrinkling, sobbing, and smothered as I tried to quiet my yelling. Shit definitely hit me. That's exactly how I felt.

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