Friday, February 22, 2013

A Parched Glass, Tart Vodka

I had an idea of using an old Vodka bottle, a champagne glass, and soap bubbles. It was something I thought of around Valentine's Day. A photo from my set named "An evanescent thrill". Imagine if you will that your in a hot tub of shallow water. You are the empty glass. The foam made of expectations, thoughts, and intangibles that don't easily leave but fester or diminish over time. The decorated, delicious bottle of Vodka is Valentine's Day. The level of water comparable to feelings of emotion. On any day I can find myself saddened and yearning. I'll feel euphoria in time. Yet on Valentine's Day that people parade, boast, and those insecurities are given form. An abundant amount of questions and thoughts. I tried to separate from importance of the day because it only reminded me of how long I've been single. I don't like that. I haven't been able to find someone who reciprocates the affections I have for them. I thought of approaching it as a religious holiday that I don't celebrate or meet the requirements. It worked if I ignored it well enough. However there was a high point.

I was on campus when I walked to a table in the cafe. I saw my friend so I went over to say hello. He told me about his club selling small pieces of candy from like five cents to a dollar. All of the stuff was associated with Valentine's Day so as I tried declining and slowly drifting away another person at the table starts talking to me. Now not only am I in a corner I'm feeling bad about not wanting to buy anything and no girlfriend. So as I think of a way to politely leave a female professor offers me the chance to buy some candy. I quickly say "no you don't have to" as it isn't needed. But she pulls out this bag off candy she brought for her class and she doesn't need the candy at the table. So the professor gives a person at the table a dollar and walks away. I stood puzzled as to what should I do, what should I pick? I ended up getting a small baggy with Hershey's chocolate inside. I walked away believing it wasn't for me and I should find a woman to give it to. Long story short I didn't find anyone. Maybe it was for me I thought. That a gracious offer would be given to me. I've struck out on many Valentine's Days. Maybe it was an empty space from the desire of actually spending that day like any other couple. Whatever generic things there might be I spent it with a significant other. A gift that resounded with it. A sign that love is forthcoming or a ration to keep enduring. It moved me I must say.

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