Friday, July 26, 2013

Bare Cellar doors

A collection of thoughts written down I believe are fit to share. Please enjoy at your leisure. These pieces are important to me. Hope as I do everytime someone understands.

"Leaving the Farm"

I will miss this house, my home. It was unlike any other. A museum of artifacts, a storehouse of precious memories. The epitome of it's greatness through it's aged walls. These walls have been like blanket to my cheeks snuggling to it's familiar touch. To see it wain in such stature is heartbreaking. So I cry in solitude and guilt. This isn't how I wanted to leave. This wasn't what I wanted.

"An Emboldened Luster"

As I stare at the candle once lit with passion, I think of the person I shared it with or for. Years after the old flame withers I wonder if it will burn again. In the middle of the night, while strolling in the park, or on a bright Sunday morning. Will it spark if the wind blows on it's melted wax? If I keep it at my bedside will I see you in a dream? Does it decay if not discarded? Is it better to live without it? That comes to mind every time I question second chances or meetings. I want to believe it burned as a lantern through the turbulent times. After it's life ceased it became a landmark of where I had been.

"Coorbital Blues"

I looked to the stars to send a message. As if they could tell you my words. I stared at the moon burning it's brilliance into my soul. I wondered if it saw you walking home as it slips under the horizon. The heavens as glamourous, unyielding fixtures to love. Unanswered questions that deepen my obsession with no truth to be found. Free me from your celestial lure I plead. I feel hooked on a line without a hand in sight. A hand that shall give reason for my spirit that drifts desiring greater. I brood over you with undying passion. "Where will you lead me?" Your so suave I doubt my tongue for saying such. Yet still you shall be there, as I will follow loyally.

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