Friday, January 28, 2011

Rations of Warmth

A few days back I felt bad. I went to a friend's school to hangout with friends. Everything was okay, I guess it was the implied or underlying elements I didn't catch that made me sad after leaving. After getting off the bus the cold walk in the wind was horrible. I felt cold in a jacket not fit for such weather.I got to my mom's place, put my stuff down on the coach, locked the doors. I went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I moved and took stuff out, I wanted the Moscato in the back. I put the alcohol on the counter moved what I could back into the refrigerator and grabbed a cup from the cabinet shelf. Opened the refrigerator and took the juice drink out and on the counter as well. I poured half Moscato and Juice drink in a glass cup, rearranged them back in the refrigerator, closed it and walked into the living room. I put the glass on the wooden table. I took out my DSi and logged onto the internet. I surfed a couple sites I lost connection touch with since my connection at home was lost. I moved my stylus between my index and middle fingers. Lowered my DSi and picked up my glass. I began to sip and taste the mixture. "Oh if sin is evil why are you so sweet? I want to stay in sin a little longer if you'll keep me company. Stay until my hands aren't dirty enough they can't be cleansed". I lifted the DSi closer to my eyes and continued exploring different pages. The room was dim with light from the hallway stretched in. I felt cool, of course I was! I totally had this loner, laid back posture with a good drink in hand. I was set for poetic one liners I might never write down. "I want to see you hold onto hope again with your clenched fist as you fought for something to believe in. The struggle brought forth tears that fell spreading out like pebbles on the road. I loved the figure you held, such vigor and defiance against the odds. But now I wonder what? What has become of you? You mellowed out to a bland color. I do not see the passion you once commanded". My stylus felt like a cigarette. I wanted to act on the motions as if it was, but if I did I feared something worse would come of it. So I did not and took the final gulps of liquor. I put the glass back on the wooden table, turned off my DSi, put the stylus back in its slot. Got up with my cup and put it in the kitchen sink. I went back out into the hallway closet to find something warm. I searched through the coats and found a denser fabric than my jacket. I put it on, pack up my bag and leave out.Shortly after arriving at the bus stop, my bus came on time. After sometime I felt better when getting off at my stop. Was it induced or intentional euphoria? I don't know, but the night seemed comfortable if nothing else.

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