Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mode of Mutter

"Alcohol tastes sweet. Crushed cherries, honey, fermented plants, yeast mixed with a ladle. Too welcoming and inviting she is. Sweat, syrup on her skin. Aroused in wide eyes, pull her closer. Closer to me I shall drink her tears. Her body shall give birth to my legacy. Intertwined in feminine hair bonds grow thick. Her oily body silently slips into mine embrace. Fairest deliver a new born unto the moon. Lost memories I search for today."



This is a test run of my ability. I may have reawakened my ability to to put thoughts on paper. It came out minor but I expanded on it. I have been feeling somewhat of a writer’s block and unable to express properly what I wanted to for some time. It was very frustrating.

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