Monday, October 1, 2012

On fresh dew…

I thanked September for it's days as I slipped the bus pass in a trash can. I kept

walking, speeding up my steps to the ascending escalator. I worked hard today,no one can say differently. The pain from my knees to my feet still throbbing. The wind coming from underground got stronger as I got to the top. I began to think deeply as I stood on the rising escalator. I thought of saying "Thank you  to September for the days I spent with you. It seems I've arrived at this day just to see you leave. We've had a good run. Unfortunately, October is here and our time together is gone. You'll come back next year I know, yet it won't be the same. It seems our days aren't repeating only pushed along a line." As I thought the wind was blowing against me as if there was a huge fan in front of me. Even my hair had risen off my neck and face, for it was floating in the air. Finally, I got to the top and everything had calmed down. I looked in search of my bus, ran to it, and boarded for a ride home. In some strange way I felt I had come to terms with something in myself.

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