Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Glamour of High School

I don't regret my decision this time. Opportunities cost something yet, somethings aren't given equally.
            I sat here and imagined tangled in the lights of trees and blissful glaring bulbs, I imagined two lonely people. A guy sat alone and stupor. A woman approached and held his hand. The lights didn't shine brighter. There were no smiles to beheld. They stood silently hand in hand. They were only shadows in the marvelous floodlights unwavering in the night. Were they unable to move? Move closer? Take a step as together as one? If there's an aesthetic wonder placed in this frame it would be them. To stand enamored with someone I can love. That's all I could see in the distance.

I asked God for strength..for next time. I gave up when it was time, I did all I could.

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