Monday, August 23, 2010

Flowers at a Venetian Ball

The Venetian masquerade flooded the streets flowing out from the Baron’s extravagant ballroom. They were celebrating a great change. In many expressive forms man created art. They stretched their hands and began counting celestial objects above them. Exploration to places walking couldn’t reach. Intrigued, I watched them dance about like children praised for their good deeds. The church bells rang out being pulled by joyous upper classmen. City hall’s windows were lit as the high counsel recorded the findings of the renaissance. I quietly watched the dancers rejoice as I held my wine glass. Suddenly, gloves my eyes and in my ear I heard “I think you’re mysterious” in a feminine voice. “I can tell that you’re beautiful, you smell of rosemary” I said as I tried removing her hands. She pulled away and ran through the crowd towards the front door. The crowd pushed me back and encircled me with one arm pointing at me. They circled me twice then pointed their arms left as a way through the crowd appeared. I ran to the front doors and into the street. To the north, I saw her at the entrance of smaller streets. “Why weren’t you dancing tonight ?” she asked then dashed away. I gave chase after her. Two blocks away she slipped into an alley. Midway there a conductor stood with both arms raised waving his baton in the air. Soon doors nearby open and men in black robes with animal faces spread out a in single line. The conductor begins to violently wave his baton so the men start running, shouting, and stomping before returning to the nearest door. The conductor has climbed the fire escape ladder and pointed me in the direction where the woman went. I continued to run on through alleys were the scent of rosemary was found. A commoner called to me and said they had a message to pass on to me. :if you wanna hold my hand again catch me” was her message and to follow the path ahead. The wind blew harder so my nose could not smell yet shredded pieces of paper made a path. The route ended at a waterway where a bridge was connecting each side of the town. There was someone silently standing. I was out of breath so I took my time and approached the person. Our eyes met and I recognized him as the old man from town centre. I would of said hi, then continued
my journey, yet as I walked by he started a conversation.

“Did you enjoy the ball? The Baron always pushes to satisfy his guests” he spoke. I halted and said “I went to support his efforts. His kindness has benefited me greatly but tonight was not enjoyable for me.” He looked surprised and asked “do you not share their happiness? Great achievements have been made by humankind, we’re farther ahead than in years of youth”. “If for all humankind then why is it only the upper class who celebrate in a luxurious dancehall rather than the whole country? It feels as if nothing good has changed we’re just finding more ways to divide ourselves. Though I did meet the most interesting of women tonight, she’s out there somewhere” I told him. “Where the dew of the sea meets the shore…”he said. “Huh!” I was taken aback at such random words. The old man walked to the edge of the stream and said “she’s waiting there”. I read his eyes saying his last thoughts as he set his boat adrift. “ I've done all I could do. I leave the rest to you, now that my soul is at peace. Farewell.”

I arrived at the church located in shire near the ocean. The doors creaked as they opened wider and saw a woman standing near the alter. “Travelers trade around these ports” I said while walking closer “and different classes of people come for religion. In a sense we’re all ingredients in a recipe.” She turned around and “you’re different from the rest, its like you’re a spoon in a drawer of knives. The presence you give off is assertive, abstract, and sympathetic.” I asked why the night long search for her and who she was. “I wanted to test your will as a man to see if you had enough determination to fight for what you desire”she answered. “I understand that but at least tell me your name. I earned that much for this trip” I pleaded. “Rosey, I’m fond of that name” she responded, “but I want to see your face. The ball ended yesterday so you can take it off”. I agreed and asked if I could see Rosey’s face too. Rosey playfully said “No, I wanna try being as mysterious as you” as she laughed. I closed my eyes as Rosey drew closer and reached for my mask. Something soft was placed in my left hand. Even softer was the three second kiss. After which Rosey asked me to keep my eyes shut and don’t open them up until the sound of her footsteps are gone. “Will I ever meet you again?” I wondered and wanted to know more about Rosey. “Yes…I’ll find you again Trowa and next time you’ll know who I really am” Rosey as she left. All is quiet so I open my eyes and my left hand. It was one her gloves from her outfit last night. I look around at the Gothic architecture. Perhaps there are things I must do with the power granted to me. Hopefully I can bring about a real change in which all can share happiness.

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