Monday, August 16, 2010

Footsteps in Autumn

I awake in my small apartment. The sun illuminates the room. A ceiling fan spins giving off a lukewarm breeze. Blindly searching with one hand to quiet the alarm clock. Focusing on one blade as the fan spins to give my brain a quick startup. There's alot to be done today. I'm emptying my little apartment and packing only what can fit inside two suitcases. Crawling out of bed onto the ground towards the dresser I grab a shirt and jean pants. I hoped this day would come sooner but it's better than nothing. It started with Aurelia's letter sent in the mail. I've been a fiancé for 2 years now, yet simply moving to permanently live there is looked down upon by the government in Aurelia's country. Nor is simply moving out to live with me an easy decision. Her country is like a small town in which family bonds in a backbone of their society. So leaving to live with a stranger who became Aurelia's lover would disappoint many relatives. So I've registered for citizenry and a house to live in. Although it's overwhelmingly great I feel stressed about leaving Devonshire. I was raised here, from birth to present day all the memories of my life exist in this suburban community. From age 25 to 4, I could remember it all. The changes here are small and evident but life continues on. Maybe it's just time to explore life outside of Devonshire. I could always visit home again, say hi to my parents, or just rest in the park. Aurelia would understand if I got homesick and let me go back for a short visit. All of my Furniture, tv's, and other appliance will be sold at a garage sale held by one of my neighbors. Sixty percent will go to my future expenses like buying stuff at the new house. Fourty percent is sort of a thank gift for my neighbor and afterwards we'll have a farewell party. So long its been since I could be happy about a party. Being faithful I would set a curfew and avoid going outside at night. Lecherous women slithering out of alleys prey on a vunerable man's soul. So at dinner, I would eat my food with a picture of Aurelia in front of me. I would spray her perfume over the chair, say grace, then eat. In this way, it would be easier to imagine her with me, to live a dream I hope to come true. This place is lacking a feminine touch and presence yet for now this will do. Though now the opportunity draws near to consummate our unoin into something more. Each step is kinda scary and I've never thought too seriously before getting into a relationship with Aurelia. The thought of children is cute but I'm a little uncertain of myself so soon in life. Of course my parents been rooting for a grandkid, yet after I've done my share of traveling and selfish spending I'll take it into consideration. With enough money I could make a flying carpet and we go see the sites of the world. Enjoying our youth so we can adjust to each transition carefully. Next season leaves will crumble under my feet and people wear coats snuggling for warmth. Then get a ride to the station by my parents, tell them I love them and board the train. As it departs I'll wave bye and let my hand slowly slide down the window when they are no longer in sight. They'll visit in a few months yet its okay if I tear up a little. The guy on the tv commercial is a smooth operator, his speech cheers me up. Aurelia your love is golden, a radiant color like autumn leaves.

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