Monday, September 20, 2010

Boku Kaishuu 3(Wandering Perception)

"From Reality to Fiction"

I’m unsure of how to tell to remind her that it wasn’t a legend but that it existed for us both. Sitting here wondering of where, how, and why for the long years and events in which we existed and your sudden absence I don’t understand it all even now. We were together once before and yet for that bond to be gone with just one problem there had to be something deeper. Nothing is soothing away the pain of my desire to be by your side once more. The bottle of endless emotions is surely being stirred, dripping out and I no longer have the courage to carry such a proud face. Music is helping, though the sound waves ease my heart they can’t possibly reverse time to stop what broke us apart from occurring. Her existence shielded me from the world, among all my failed dreams and loves I was certain she was the answer to all my pain. Her love was a system of needles dosing me with stimulants through each vein to my organs. I find myself calling her phone over and over again leaving messages that were never listened to only add up and later deleted. The memories of love replay as a romantic movie in my mind slipping out as tears and mixing with snout running from my nose. Leaving a crude taste it reminded me of a song of how I’m nothing, my love was gone forever, and memories shut away never to remember. As if pain left it turned to joy as I repeated these words. My future looked lonely and I will experience symptoms of an anxiety disorder. From my science lab, I fetch my grande elixir and virtual reality helmet. I fear this world and all that’s become of me. Everything I’ve touched becomes brittle and takes away from me the happiness I long for. In this chair I drink my elixir and put on my helmet, I don’t care anymore of this world. If fabricated happiness can exist as an illusion then surely I’ll abandon this decaying body as well.

"Cabinet File Reality"

In this perfect world, I’m what you could say a leaf in pile, a blade of grass on a plain, a grain of sand on a beach. Nothing special about me or the people around sticking to a constant code for greatness efficiency and production. This life is a wasted breath. My emotions only exhibit professional gestures and behavior. My dreams are manufactured and designed to suppress anger and other bad emotions. My lifestyle has already been determined for me as a career I’m a scientist. Instructed with teaching programmed youth into future successful people. I found the courage to write you this pen pal to warn you never allow your world and life to become like mines. Talking bad about our government and way of life is forbidden and punishable by death. Once I was like you, full of true emotions, living on dreams, and falling in love, but it all ended with the theory of forever ending war. The law passed and the chemical gas was spread airborne across the world. For years the disputes of the war rapidly ended and world peace was no longer a wasted wish. The chemical spread through family blood lines for many generations and soon marriages, engagements, and relationships drastically reduced. The once human overpopulated world of trillions was fading into thousands and decreasing. So both egg and sperm combined in science labs to breed humans. Their entire structure was manipulated to fit certain features and cellular levels immune to viruses. Soon the uprisings of clones appeared outnumbering original humans 100 to matter how beautiful this world has become, I myself have become an endangered species overrun by irregular perfection of scientific technology. With emotional conviction the idea of this world existing was made. But at the cost of killing that exact passion makes this peace meaningless. I was the designer of the chemical potion that made the world this way. Its my greatest achievement and biggest regret. Living in this mundane world, everything feels plastic as its covered with metal lacking a soul. Uninteresting and fake its something pen pal I don’t want you to go through. Its too late now for this world so with this electronic transfer I’ve written the counter-formula to the chemical. I will continue on in this world facing the consequences of my actions, hopefully what happened here wont happen again.
Koinzell Ascherit

"Nocturne in Moonlight"

If I woke up from this it all will be forgotten, and this place just a lost memory. Among this iceberg I’m only cracking the bits of its surface. Unable to go any deeper it seems futile. The path to finding these answers and arriving at dead end mazes without cease. My heart may return or be recreated or live its life out in my jar inside a refrigerator. The crippling feelings overrun the boundaries spilling and sometimes its struck by forces i cant control. Pouring down rain and stuffed into my precious cup. Cracks burst all over and empty out for all to see yet never help and fooled by an illusion of sanity. The warped dreams morph the mind twisting, squishing it dry of blood. The chest is a storage room for regrets and hate gained over time. The music box is stressed and filled with an incomplete collection. This world is bright as it serves me sarcasm and gives melancholy. I’m changing and this song becomes my best friend, withdrawn from me precious things and i start killing my senses 1 by 1.this room becomes my barrier. With a deceptive love, this world force-feeds me candies to fill and quiet my constant babbling. There unsatisfying taste and has a repulsive side effects. I don’t want to be spoiled with useless words or action. If the interior is distorted and is not operated on, then how will dressing a corpse bring back its soul? How much longer must i play the doctor performing emergency operations? The more i experiment with cures and antidotes i feel there must be answer to this problem, even though it continues on like long division leaving a new part needed to be solved. As the sun and moon take turns spinning around me, I wonder how much more will i be troubled by life if i leave this room?

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