Monday, July 11, 2011

Departures and Obscure Affection


zetsubou_2"You descended from me in autumn, so stay reborn a figure of love in spring. if only this tree survives the seasons I know, you were always by my side and our love flourished."


Playing on a seesaw your image comes into view and vanishes in cycles. As if my heart was the very ride we sat on, beating the ground and collapsing under pressure. I can it feel it more accurately bulging with blood up and down with each breath. On my knees you are raised to a level close to the sun. For just a second your image becomes my world because your my lost savior. Without words I devote myself to following you. At such a low position your eyes seeing far ignore me. As you begin condescending I sense a cold aurora and search your vacant eyes for a picture of me. With such beauty and grace my unrequited love is left without answer yet I yearn for the lying words that sound sweet. I see an entity emit a flirtatious bubble, I saw myself as that person once. I saw you in affectionate memories, I see you creating a divide between us. As I rise and reverse the place with you in the air I can see the other side has disappeared from sight and feathers spread out from behind me. It feels warmer here as if embraced in a hug. The sites beyond the trees are insight and the expanded landscape looks stitched together with yarn into a quilt. My descent begins from above the trees passing the branches and into leaves. The impact congests my left artery spraying like a water fountain coating trees in red. I see that leaves rotting at an accelerated pace outside of natures perfect circle, they no longer died in elegance but in disgust. I saw you flirting with others and tasting
their lips leaving a cherry flavor as your signature. No longer at your side we play a childish game which I believe is only to pass time. Exchanging locations once again I believe we see the different dream above the trees, we saw something same in contrast patterns. With all this knowledge it adds up slowly repeating each push and cascade they gather. Still I admire the look of my eyes and buried bracelet. Very rarely in the continuous motion I have the chance to truly accept the maroon scent of loneliness. I saw your heartbroken figure in the prairie, I see our flowers bloom out of season. I saw how the graveyard was once our garden, and this seesaw as our last scene sharing your presence.

"Silent on Stairs"

It feels weird doing this after so long like my memories run away from me as I try to recall who you were to me. Your name is there missing the link of conversation that occurred so naturally. As if opening my mouth for a breath it was so easy to respond and start digital messages. Its become like I arrive over and over at your door and the doorbell is gone. The heavy chest as I walk up each step adds pounds and now its just quick glances as I carry on. My beloved repeated songs are replaced with something else, I lose the words and alone they become scrambled. I feel that since leaving your arm that served as my branch I could grow stronger and grow up with each flap of my wings and return to thank you. Yet I miscalculated the possibility of losing my reason of doing this so it becomes meaningless. With this strength who do I wish to protect? The memory of the white dream is hidden in fields of sand. In this place I could try to rediscover it all from scratch yet I feel this sadistic reality is filled with sarcasm and failed deus ex machinas. If I put my letter in your mailbox I hope it brings you outside before winter. I view your tears like leaves during autumn. Maybe I can show you that even in sadness how beautiful you are. For I learn things that repeat sometimes need an ending and new beginning. I think this is the moral of this ending chapter, a new innovation, movement, meaning, or species to find could be the meaning of my journey.with this much extensive thinking it fades in comparison of how hard it is to talk to you. Sitting by the door I'm surrounded by dust. My moving shadow signals the day is closing and time is working. On my lonely walk home I purposely leave my Zune off because the song I would enjoy most has no flashy beat just simple words.

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