Monday, July 11, 2011

Short Confession(みじかいざんげ)

Originally the “Boku Kaishuu” series ended with 5 parts. This work was to symbolize the closing of a parade of my unrequited love which was “Boku Kaishuu”. From here forward I expanded my creativity, topics, and made improvements to writing. I never regretted blogging.

Unsatisfying Sample

Prototypes of a women who I could love, among the daydreams that collide with the daily routine. It felt as if they were real. Lingering on the edge of reality ideas wait for thoughts to find them. I mark the calendar and write a summary, today was unsuccessful carrying on like the rest. Add it among the pile and notes to reflect the pros and cons in a blog. This strategy didn’t work out, no one thought this was genuine, or add tweaks to this step. Yes! it seems very analytical and experimenting with each new concept. I thought back judged myself to people of the past and question what I’ve been doing all this time. I remembered someone’s words and believed myself I wish it were possible. I too, hypothetically would rather leave a woman when we still feel passion for one another. At which end to were I know I could no longer please her. For us to leave when our prime has yet to expire than drag an old corpse. Preserve whatever is left and depart knowing we did our best. Don’t feel remorse former courtesan, its just that our affair did not sustain us until death. Somehow along the way we discovered we were incompatible and from here we’ll reach out to others. We could leave our hearts burning with passion and not jilted in the hands of another.
Or in another way;
 a man and woman who do not claim the other are complete strangers who board a public bus to their separate destinations. I would glance outside the window and off the glass in my peripheral vision she sits. Because she is here I thought the Sun would set an hour earlier and take back more warmth. Do not fear I’m not the aggressive type, sometimes it is my weakness but I’m waiting for something to hit me. Is it a word, catchy phrases, action, thought, push, or resolution? I think my tongue has gone dry and can no longer speed up her breathing so now my eyes have taken its luster. I laugh about my shortcomings as the bus detours from its original route. I give up my masculine facade and procrastination kills the moment of possibility.  These thoughts outline an image, its not whole nor am I.


I don’t know you but somehow you’re familiar in past tense...
I begin to recklessly repeat these words but only "I miss You" is an echo which cannot be stopped.  This "you" I'm sure you have slowly slipped through my fingers as it gently fell without sound.  Only remnants remain I begin to question what these emotions doing there.  A fragile touch and stealthy appearance.  If in physical form I found you on a bus and entertained you mating calls?  I’m sure you'll leave as fast as you came.  If I spent the night with my body bloated with a euphoric liquid and you were there, I’m sure in the morning my vomiting would be your alarm clock. Holding my weak body guide me as my left eye sees fantasies and right eye on the incoming door.  Would it be great if i confess to you?if you think too compassionately not to hurt me will it be a lie? I feel myself growing closer to you, I want to keep this time as we are alone conversing.  You take the stage when daughters of strangers are absent,and I order my thoughts and jokes carefully.  A lonely status makes window shopping an entertaining yet painful time.  Beautiful daughters born of similar and older years are wonderful as looks melt my chest and expose my heart.  Jokingly "she just dropped my jaw and my heart fell out lol" slowly I forget her and the cycle continues.  If we met like this surely my behavior and appearance would annoy you. What’s the missing piece to a puzzle carefully solved, I sense it missing as if a wall was separating us.  A feeling that even hugs, friendly smiles, and good climate continues to stand against me popping the question.  Roses are red, violet is a shade of purple so were from 1-14 is your hint of blue?  My red scale on the graph is inconsistent while you fit perfectly at 7.  I withhold the option fill in the position of significant other to satisfy a sexual lust, you are precious to me and never want to harm due to a distracted mind. When I use to close my eyes I think I saw you,weird days even scary to me yet I remember it warmly.  In a time where years counted down at the same time it moved forward I'm sure we were there.  Under you’re umbrella sitting together.  From our meeting on a bench such eyes of a fair beauty, our time was silent, so before you leave give me a flower.  I was too shy to speak so please forgive me of my weakness.  Surely I remembered it, then coming back here I can regain the memories waiting on the bench beside you.  The memory wavers in search of this unknown name.

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